I'm angelo and I do stuff

I'm a developer, writer and designer.

I'm a communication afficionado and an award-winning journalist.

I make music and write speculative fiction.

I have a newsletter, did a daily podcast for ±500 episodes, and edited a sci-fi newspaper for 3 years.

See my resumé and cover letter.

I'm a proud generalist

My main focus is communication applied to technology.

I can integrate multidisciplinary teams and work out the individuality of each member in order to deliver greater value to the customer and to the professionals.

I actually like being in meetings and organizing things. I'm a certified Scrum Master but adapt well to different Agile environments

Also, I code using Typescript and React.

I want

... to work with developers, designers, and product owners. Both technical and non-technical people, making sure the work is fun and important;

... to be a hub of information to anyone, from any department. A go-to place to solve problems and understand the big-picture;

... to be in the meetings no one wants to be, in order for them to use their time in an intelligent way: doing what they do best;

... to deliver high value in whatever format the client needs. My focus is web development, but this can change at any time.

I am

... a front end developer and consultant with focus on modern technologies and efficient communication.

... a certified Scrum Master (PSM1) — but I still love other Agile frameworks;

... a writer and editor of both short stories and a sci-fi newspaper — turning soon into a 350-pages book

... an avid reader, gamer, and movie watcher. I really enjoy tracking things.

I was

... a consultant and developer building the HUK Autoservice storefront in foobar Agency GmbH, in Munich, Germany;

... a tech lead of a small team on Seasoned.cc, working alongside designers and developers to build the HR web app Vibe;

... a designer and front-end developer at Latin America's biggest newspaper, Folha De S.Paulo. I designed print and digital pages, built multimedia infographics, and developed internal and external digital tools. At Folha I worked on a project that won Brazil's biggest journalism award, among other prizes;

... a writer, editor, and manager in the satyrical sci-fi newspaper Tempos Fantásticos for 28 editions (3 years);

... a programmer of a box that prints poems, short stories, and comic strips in collaboration with an LGBTQIA+ house in São Paulo, Brazil.

... the scriptwriter of Combo Breaker, a silent story drawn by Brazilian comic artist Silva João.

... a self-published zine author (I even put up an online store), and a participant in Tefopress annual zine collection;

... an amateur solo music maker.

A few LinkedIn recommendations:

Edited for length. Read them in whole (and many others) here.

Steffen Mueller

CTO @ HUK-COBURG Autoservice GmbH

With Angelo, I connect 100% ownership. Everything Angelo does is lead by this value. [...] In general, Angelo always finds the best solutions to our actual challenges using his immense skills as a senior developer.

Angelo would be an asset to any team who needs an experienced front-end engineer with a huge sense of ownership to drive projects.

Moritz Tillmann

Director of Product @ HUK-COBURG Autowelt GmbH

Angelo is maybe the best freelancer I met so far. I would describe him as a guy with multiple weapons. He can not only code, he's always curious about the story behind it - and he understands the whole picture. A great team-player who leads meetings, gets people together, finds solutions in the group and is always willing to learn new stuff. To sum it up - you can not restrict him to a developer, he's more than that - especially with his background!

Niek Nijrolder

Business Development Manager @ foobar Agency

I have worked with Angelo on both internal and external projects and he is amazing to work with. Angelo is able to communicate highly complex technical issues in a way that people without an engineering background can understand.

He brings a positive, solution-oriented attitude to teams and helps them exceed client expectations in terms of deadlines and quality of work. In my opinion, this makes him the perfect developer to seamlessly integrate into client-side teams.

Thais Dias

UI Designer @ HUK-COBURG Autoservice GmbH

[...] Angelo always brings brilliant insights that make our discussions way more interesting. He can take the most complicated topics and explain it in a way that makes it so easy to understand. He is also always there when you need him, available and eager to help out. A real team player!

Working together has shown me how design and development can be a dream team. Angelo is great at bridging the gap between our worlds. Can't wait to keep making awesome things together!

Felipe Freitag Vargas

Founder & CTO @ Seasoned

Angelo showed us great technical skills, leadership qualities, and deep commitment. He coded, managed a project, and trained people, among other activities. He was always eager to learn how the company worked and to bring ideas to improve our technology and processes. Besides delivering, he's a very easygoing person who gave and received feedback frequently both to his team and to the company as a whole.


This website was first made using Gatsby, then moved to NextJS. It's written in Typescript and MDX, and hosted in Vercel.

It is also open source. See the code here.