A frame of Cidade Sonora comic

Comics in Portugal

Short stories written in comics format for a portuguese magazine


July 2019


Personal project


A series of artists and I




The Portuguese magazine H-Alt invited me to write some scripts. I paired with several artists and produced four two-page comics.

I wrote the script of a few short comics for the Portuguese magazine H-alt. Below, a few words about them. All of the comics are in portuguese, except the first one.

About Calaméo

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Read on Calameo

Shots between Fangs

Shots Between Fangs was originally published in the portuguese magazine H-Alt. With only seven pages, it's violent and visceral, with geometric shapes and dark colors.

Art by Dann Franco, letter by Raphael Andrade, colors by Raq's Rodrigues.


A short story about time travel and lottery. Originated after the concept that if someone had time travelling abilities, they'd win the lottery. What if the lottery was a government agency focused on arresting these travellers?

Art, letters & colors by Zé Pistilli

Amado Planeta

A kind of cliché story about a space traveller coming back to earth after a long voyage.

Art, letters & colors by Simão Batista

Cidade Sonora

A poetic trip around the city and it's never ending sounds.

Art, letters & colors by Tiago de Carvalho

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