Dezessete cover

Tefopress zines

An yearly collective publication with texts and graphics from multiple artists


January 2020


Multiple artists and I


Writing & drawing


Well... for the sake of art, maybe?

Videographer, musician, and editor Stefano Maccarini publishes an yearly zine with multiple artists about the year that just passed. I participated in many of his productions.

Behind the Wheel (2017)

My participation in Dezessete (in English, "Seventeen") is a narrative about how my mother died in a car accident in 2007 and, 10 years later, my father and stepmother ended up having the same fate.

Read it here.

Dezessete page

Nice Calendar (2018)

In Dezoito (Eighteen), I drew two comics pages about one of my favourite projects: an inverted calendar.

Instead of writing about the appointments I'll have, I write about what have happened, who I met, and what I did.

Read it here... or below (open the image in a new tab to see a bigger size).

Dezoito comic

Mutual Hatred (2019)

My Dezenove (Nineteen) participation resulted in a very emotion and angst-ridden article about hate and how I deal with people that fuck up my friends.

Read it here.

Twenty (2020)

This case was weird.

I wrote a comics script about the pandemics that would be illustrated by a friend of mine but... she never delivered the art.

So I published the raw script ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Comic page

Read it here

Contact me anytime
